User Distribution
Accrual period
Start and end date of the accrual period Friday 05:00:00 UTC to Friday 04:59:59 UTC.
- ‘All transactions’ - Accrual period value is the DD:HH:MM:SS (Day:Hour:Minute:Second) transaction entered the 7 day accrual period. This shows for how long the transaction is accruing rewards.
USD values are true as of
All USD values quoted in the Rewards Explorer are true as of the end of accrual period date and time highlighted on the Rewards Explorer.
Your rank
Shows your rank in Community Rewards that have been distributed for the accrual period. Value is shown after Community rewards Distribution status is “Published”.
Initial Balance
Balance of user at the start of the accrual period.
Date coefficient
The difference between the transaction date and accrual period end date, divided by 364 days. A variable that captures the length of time transaction is eligible to earn rewards; the larger the coefficient the longer the transaction has been in the accrual period; transactions made earlier in the accrual period would accrue more rewards than transactions made later in the accrual period.
Transaction amount value (unit value in coin selected).
New Balance
Total balance after the transaction; represents how the user’s balance in an asset changes with transactions.
Tier 1 Rewards Rate (Basis)
- Rewards rates for which rewards are accrued on part of transaction below threshold:
Balance was below the threshold and remains below threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the whole transaction. - Balance was below the threshold and goes above threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction below the threshold, and Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above the threshold.
- Balance was above threshold and goes below threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction which caused the balance to go down to threshold. Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the remaining amount.
Tier 1 Rewards Rate (Amount)
Reward amount accrued by part of transaction below threshold using Tier 1 rewards rates:
- Balance was below the threshold and remains below threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the whole transaction.
- Balance was below the threshold and goes above threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction below the threshold, and Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above the threshold.
- Balance was above threshold and goes below threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction which caused the balance to go down to threshold. Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the remaining amount.
Tier 2 Rewards Rate (Basis)
Rewards rates for which rewards are accrued on part of transaction above threshold:
- Balance was below the threshold and goes above threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction below the threshold, and Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above the threshold.
- Balance was above threshold and remains above threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the whole transaction.
- Balance was above threshold and goes below threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above the threshold. Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the remaining amount which went below the threshold.
Tier 2 Rewards Rate (Amount)
Reward amount accrued by part of transaction above threshold using Tier 2 rewards rates:
- Balance was below threshold and goes above threshold: Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction below threshold, and Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above threshold.
- Balance was above threshold and remains above threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the whole transaction.
- Balance was above threshold and goes below threshold: Tier 2 rewards rate gets applied to the part of the transaction above threshold. Tier 1 rewards rate gets applied to the remaining amount which went below the threshold.
- APY - Annual percentage yield. Usually includes compounding - rate quoted on the website
- APR - Annual percentage rate. APY rates are converted to APR rates in order to accurately calculate weekly Rewards for distribution.
Reward in Kind
Total rewards earned in kind of the selected coin.
Total rewards earned for selected coin equivalent in USD. All USD values quoted in the Rewards Explorer are true as of the end of accrual period date and time highlighted on the Rewards Explorer.
Community Distribution
Download csv & Etherscan proof
- Download CSV - users can click to receive a download of 'Individual Users’ Rewards' in a csv file
- Etherscan proof - what is it and how to use it?
Community Rewards distribution csv export has been hashed by Celsius and published on Ethereum blockchain. Users can ‘Download csv’ then hash the csv themselves. Users can compare their hash value to Celsius export hash value published on the blockchain. The purpose of this is that users can verify that the csv Celsius published remains unchanged since it has been published to Ethereum.
User can compare ‘Input data’ hash of Celsius csv export and verify their own hash of csv data by comparing hash values in the future, confirming data is not tampered with as hash values equal - What does “hashing” mean?
‘Hashing' is most commonly used for data integrity. One of the purposes of hashing is to represent complex data, eg. csv file, as a simple piece of unique digital identification or 'fingerprint’ of that data. Making even the slightest change to the data that has been hashed, creates a new unique hash value. Hashing is useful to detect changes or if data has been tampered with.
Total Community Rewards
Shows total sum of Rewards distributed to the community for the accrual period, in USD equivalent, as of the date and time stated on the Rewards Explorer:
- Community rewards amount will be visible once Distribution status is 'PUBLISHED'. 'UNPUBLISHED' means that Rewards are still in progress of being distributed to the community.
- All USD values quoted in the Rewards Explorer are true as of the end of accrual period date and time highlighted on the Rewards Explorer.
Distribution status
Shows status of Community Rewards distribution which is only viewable on Rewards Explorer when PUBLISHED:
- 'PUBLISHED' - Community rewards will be visible once Distribution of rewards to the entire community is completed/published. This status also indicates that the hash of the Community distribution csv has been published onto the Ethereum blockchain.
- 'UNPUBLISHED' - Rewards are still in progress of being distributed to the community.
Rewards Distribution per coin
Community rewards distribution breakdown by coin:
- Pie chart - shows top 12 coins in which rewards were distributed to Community in percentages.
When you hover the cursor over each portion of the pie chart, it shows USD amount and percentage.
When you click on each portion of the pie chart, it shows the coin and percentage. - List of coins - shows all coins in which rewards were distributed to the Community with the value of the coin and the USD equivalent value.
Individual Users' rewards
Anonymously shows a list of each Celsius community member rewards earned in the accrual period stated above without any ties to user personal information. This list can be sorted in ascending and descending order by the ‘Reward in USD’ amount. The sorting defaults to descending order (largest to smallest) so users can find themselves on the ‘Leaderboard’ by the following on the ‘User Reward Distribution Summary’ page:
- ‘This week you earned’
- ‘Your rank’
- ‘Celsius loyalty status’ - to differentiate in case of a tie