We require a Memo ID (XLM, EOS) or a Destination Tag (XRP) for transactions to successfully be associated with your account, if you did not include this with your transfer, our support team will have to recover your coins through a verification process.
In case you didn't include the Memo ID or Destination Tag for your XLM/XRP/EOS transaction, please follow these instructions:
1. Send 0.1 XLM/XRP/EOS, or the minimum allowed, from the same account you made your original transfer from. That way we will be able to confirm that you are indeed the owner of the origin address.
2. Make sure you include the MemoID/Destination Tag, you can see it above your XLM/XRP/EOS address in the Celsius app, with this new transfer.
3. Send us the transaction ID for both the missing transfer and the successful one, to transfer the misplaced XLM/XRP/EOS to your account. We cannot process screenshots of transaction IDs, please copy the text into the email.
Please submit your request via the Celsius Customer Care page from the email under which your Celsius account is registered or call us at 1-866-HODL-NOW (1-866-463-5669).
Once we receive this test transfer and transaction ID, for both transfers, we will associate the misplaced XLM/XRP/EOS to your Celsius account.
Please note that this process can take up to 45 working days.
Please note that we do not currently support receiving EOS from smart contracts so please do not send your coins this way as they won't be transferred to your account and we won't be able to retrieve them for you.