Promo codes are created by Celsius as a way to engage with our users and celebrate special events, partnerships and promotions. Promo codes can be entered and used for as long as they're valid.
How does it work? By following these steps.
- Enter the promo code in the app;
- Read the requirements for the promo;
- Complete the requirements (Transfer funds/Request a loan);
- Receive the reward once the lock period expires.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Enter the promo code first and the required transfer after, otherwise the transfer won't be captured.
Here is a step by step on how to enter the promo code.
- Open the app
- Tap on the "Celsius logo" in the bottom right corner of the screen
- Tap on the "Profile" button
- Tap on the "Enter promo code" button
- Enter the code and tap on "Confirm"
- You will also be able to see all the promo codes that you have previously activated. You can then choose from your list which one you would like to use.
- You can see on the right side of each code name its equivalent expiry date. Remember, you can only use the ones that are still valid. Once the code expires it can no longer be used.
- Do not forget to read the requirements for the promo reward
Promo code rewards have a lock period that can last anytime between 72 hours and 30 days. When the requirements are met then you will be able to see your reward locked on your wallet by tapping on the "Total wallet balance" button on the app. And that's all done!
For more information on how to activate a promo code, please watch the video below.