If you have active promo codes that are currently locked on your Celsius account please make sure to follow the below-written guidelines to avoid any code from being canceled if you wish to withdraw funds.
In order for a promo code reward not to get canceled please make sure that:
- Your withdrawal amount does not exceed the required transfer amount in the promo code description
- Your account balance must remain equal to or greater than your balance upon completing the promo code transfer requirement
A promo code will be canceled if:
- The minimum required transfer amount listed in the promo code description is not met.
- Funds were not transferred within 10 days of activating the promo code.
- Funds are withdrawn (or sent via CelPay) within 30 days of activating the promo code.
In order to give more clarity regarding this topic, please check out some of the examples below:
- If the promo code is a coin-specific transfer, make sure that your net balance of the specified coin(s) does not drop below the required transfer amount needed to claim the reward.
Example: If the promo code requires you to transfer $500 in USDC and you want to withdraw some USDC from your account, your net balance of USDC cannot fall below $500 during the lock period of the promo code. - If the promo code is a general transfer code, the net balance of your entire account cannot fall below the required transfer amount for that specific code, which means all withdrawals are taken into account during the reward lock period.
Example: If you transfer $500 in BTC to activate a promo code with a $500 transfer requirement, withdrawing any amount in any coin will cause your promo code reward to be canceled. -
If you want to withdraw after completing a general transfer promo and before the reward unlocks date, you will first need to add more crypto to your account.
Example: If you transfer $500 in BTC to activate a promo code with a general transfer requirement of $500, then you want to withdraw $100 in BTC, you will first have to add $100 to your account so that your net balance increases to $600. Once you’ve increased your balance above the minimum transfer requirement, you can withdraw $100 in BTC from your account, leaving your net balance at $500. - If you transfer more crypto than is required to complete a promo code requirement, you can withdraw the difference between your transfer amount and the minimum transfer requirement.
Example: If you transfer $1,000 to activate a promo code with a $500 transfer requirement, you can withdraw up to $500 during the reward lock period to keep your balance eligible for the reward.